Month: August 2020
Anthology Deadline Extended
Due to our unusual circumstances caused by the global pandemic, we are extending the deadline for our 2021 anthology submissions. Our theme, Challenges, has been an appropriate subject for this year, it seems, and our group response has been low.
Our new deadline has been extended to September 30, 2020. If you have not submitted a short story, please do so quickly. The THPW Board of Directors has decided that unless we reach a minimum of 125 pages for the volume, we will need to combine it with next year’s submissions and delay publication.
Our annual anthology, With Words We Weave, is a great vehicle for community within our organization. It is a wonderful opportunity to have your work published and seen by others.
Anthology Guidelines as follows:
· 500-2,500 word short narrative works, fiction or non-fiction. Any genre. (see exceptions* below)
· THPW Member Fee – $10.00
· Non-member Fee – $50.00 ($10 submission fee, $40 membership dues)
· Industry standard manuscript formatting: Times New Roman 12pt font, 1″ margins, double spaced; author name and page # in upper right-hand corner.
· Author bio included in submission – the organizers and editors will not hunt down bios nor hold production for authors who fail to include bios with their story submissions.
· Multiple submissions accepted, only one per author will be selected. $10 additional fee for each additional submission
· Email manuscript to, subject “2021 Anthology Submission” no later than September 30, 2020
*No erotica, incest, or extreme violence. Stories with these elements will be disqualified from consideration. Submission fees will NOT be refunded for disqualified submissions.
August 15th, Betty Reeves & Kim Black
ACX Audiobook Creation Workshop

Betty Reeves and Kim Black will share their experiences and take you step by step through the process of turning your book into an audiobook using ACX.

Join us Saturday, August 15, at 10 am via Zoom!
Click link below 8/15/20!