Sell Your Books, Save Your Soul
Selling can feel dirty on a good day. Throw in a global pandemic, meth gators, and confirmation of otherworldly visitors, and it feels a bit like you are weighing out your soul to sell to the highest bidder. Keep your dignity intact while we examine evergreen marketing tactics with a special emphasis on removing the ick factor.
Jodi Thompson has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her earliest work, Skippy the Horse, was critically acclaimed by numerous family members and at least one teacher. She eventually discovered that her real talent lies in selling other people’s writing. That passion for sharing great books with the world led her to found Fawkes Press in 2016, where she strives to be eclectic, exceptional, and eleemosynary. Jodi lives in Fort Worth with her husband and too many pets, none of which can replace her young adult children who insist on being independent and capable, despite her pleas.
Topic: THPW September Program
Time: Sep 19, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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