To provide even more benefits for our membership, we are offering a Zoom Workshop program on the third Saturday of our “off” or non-meeting months.
Our inaugural program will be held Saturday, June 15th at 11:00 AM. This program is open to all, and will last about one hour.
We ask that when you join the Zoom meeting, please use the video option, but keep your mic on mute until the meeting begins. There will be brief instructions from the host, and then we will have an hour of Q&A about what works best in our writing processes, what are our concerns and challenges, and other ideas. This is just our first meeting of the kind, so please join us and let us know if you have ideas for future programs.
Texas High Plains Writers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Texas High Plains Writers’s Craft Chat Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 15, 2024, 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 841 3003 1098
Passcode: 547891
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Meeting ID: 841 3003 1098
Passcode: 547891
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