September 15, 2018 Program

The Doctor Is In

We’re very pleased to have the book doctor, Robyn Conley, speak to us on Saturday, September 15, 2018. Robyn has been helping writers publish for over twenty years. In addition to holding workshops, she taught the mechanics of writing at TCU and UTA universities.

This meeting we’ll have both a morning and afternoon session – a sort of one day workshop.

Need help with characters? Robyn will devote the morning to DRIVING YOUR CHARACTER: HOW TO DEVELOP A WELL-ROUNDED PROTAGONIST. She’ll also have interactive exercises that help layer emotional and physical depth to main characters.

The hour-long afternoon session from 1:00 to 2:00 – SELF-EDITING WITHOUT SELF-DESTRUCTING – will feature a checklist of sample editing tips. If you’re struggling to get your manuscript in shape to publish, this will be an excellent class.

If you would like help with your W-I-P, the doctor is in. All you have to do is show up.

Robyn has graciously offered to read and critique the first two pages of your manuscript, but she’ll need it ahead of time. She requires that it be two pages only, in Courier 12 font, double-spaced.

Send those to Robyn Conley, 6376 CR 252, Clyde, Texas 79510.

Then make plans to attend the September meeting.

Robyn co-founded and led the Writer’s Group of Fort Worth for over a decade in addition to speaking at writing conferences around the country. She has a passion for helping writers and showing them what their manuscripts are missing.

She’s also a writer herself with thirteen published books.

Take advantage of her expertise and attend the September meeting. You’ll come away a better writer.

November 17 ~ Bill Briscoe

This Phillips, Texas native told his wife that he wanted to write a novel only five years into his retirement. Based on an idea he’d had in his head for ten years, the result is Pepperman’s Promise, the prequel to The Pepperman Mystery Series.


July 21, 2018 Program

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Publication

Ryan McSwain ~ Rory C. Keel ~Vicki Schoen ~ Natalie Bright


Where to Begin to Publish Your Book?

The topic always comes up at our meetings. Reach for the stars and snag a literary agent who will negotiate a deal with a Big House publishing company? Or go it alone and join the throng of independent authors who self-publish? What should you do? I know, it’s a lot of information to absorb. Here are a few main points to consider as you move closer to publishing your work.

Option 1:

If you have a high concept book theme or genre, the urgency of publication is not an issue, and you are willing to relinquish the rights to said work, then Traditional Publishing is your best option. This will require you to sign with a literary agent who will “shop” your manuscript to the five major publishing houses which are closed to un-agented submissions. This process takes years. Dollars are well spent in attending conferences to network with agents and editors. Develop a phenomenal one-line synopsis. Practice your pitch.

Option 2:

If you have a polished manuscript ready to go, a clear idea of your genre and target market, and a Type A personality that likes the control, then becoming an Indie Author and self-publishing your work is the perfect fit. You can do as much or as little of the process that you want. Dollars are well spent in hiring the professionals to do the work that you don’t want to learn. Become proficient on social media.

It is a great time to be a creator of new and original content.

 Save the Date: July 21 in Amarillo

No RSVP required; nonmembers are welcome. Our meetings are open to the public and guests may attend for a small $10 fee. It all starts at 10:00 AM and you’re invited! Hope to see you in July in Amarillo.

Robyn Conley on September 15

Morning Session: Driving Your Character – How to Develop a Well-rounded Protagonist.

Afternoon Session: Self-Editing Without Self-Destructing

November 17 ~ Bill Briscoe

This Phillips, Texas native told his wife that he wanted to write a novel only five years into his retirement. Based on an idea he’d had in his head for ten years, the result is Pepperman’s Promise, the prequel to The Pepperman Mystery Series.


May 19, 2018 Program


Putting Core Writing Elements Into Place

Our May speaker, Rosa Latimer, says, “Behind the everyday discipline of writing there are core elements that you must have in place to enable you to be successful in telling your story.”

Her presentation will focus on these main points:

  • Organizing research
  • Keeping the story on track
  • Staying true to your purpose

No matter what you write, you have to have certain core elements. Almost every type of writing requires research—some more than others. Research can eat up your time. Often, we get so engrossed in little side roads that our story begins to meander, and we lose sight of the main reason for writing it.

Rosa will give us pointers and advice on how to stay focused on your goal. While most of her presentation will be on writing non-fiction, she’ll have basic information that will also help fiction writers.

She says, “Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, this information will help establish a simple, clear path to reaching your publishing goals.”

Bring pen and paper to takes notes.

* * *

Rosa has written a fascinating non-fiction series about Harvey House girls that are inspired by her grandmother who once worked in one of the famous restaurants and hotels that set up along the railroad lines. Each book is set in a different state. She’ll share entertaining stories from her books as well as her experience establishing and keeping a successful relationship with her publisher.

Besides being an award-winning author, Rosa is a playwright and an award-winning photographer. She’s also a writing consultant and teacher and has served on the faculty of the West Texas Writing Academy for the last two years.

Upcoming Programs

Our July Program will be a panel discussion with Indie Authors, including Natalie Bright, Ryan McSwain, Craig Keel, and Vickie Schoen.

Our September Program will be Robin Conley, the Book Doctor, who will present an all-day program.

Please mark your calendars and be sure to attend these events.

March 17, 2018 Program

The Dynamic Duo

We have a wonderful meeting lined up for March 17. I’m excited to bring Kim Harris and K.J. Waters to our fair city. Both have years of expertise between them and will share their knowledge.

Kim Harris will present Adding Humor to Your Writing the first hour.

Humor is a multi-tasking powerhouse in your writing. A joke can instantly show characterization, reveal relationships, shift the tension of your plot, deliver a painful truth in an easy-to-swallow way, and even endear you to readers. And what writer doesn’t want to be endeared by their readers?!

Unfortunately, many writers believe that writing humor is either out of their depth—they’ve been told that humor is much more difficult to write than drama—or that it has no place in their books.

This presentation will highlight the many ways humor can bump up your writing, even if you’re not writing a ‘funny’ book, and she’ll go over some classic tales that have expertly used humor to memorable effect.

Kim says, “E.B. White once said that humor, like frogs, could be dissected, but the thing dies in the process. We’re going to dissect some humor, and you will come away with fresh ideas of how to put humor to work in your writing, no matter what you write. No frogs will be harmed.”

For the second half, K.J. Waters will present What I’ve learned as an Indie Author.

In this one-hour presentation, KJ Waters will share what she has learned as an Indie author including her secret recipe to becoming an Amazon best-selling author, how she grew her author platform to 50,000 followers, and how to use an integrated social media strategy and author brand to market her work. You don’t want to miss this!

Both of these ladies will provide immeasurable help in getting your career ramped up and racing down the track. Please come out and grab this information while you can. I know you’ll enjoy what Kim and K.J. bring to the table, so make your plans.

* * *

Kim Hunt Harris is Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Trailer Park Princess cozy mystery comedy series. She knew she wanted to be a writer before she even knew how to write. When her parents read bedtime stories to her, she wanted to be a part of the story world. Kim started out writing children’s stories, and they grew as she did. She discovered a gift for humor and a love for making people laugh with her tales, and the Trailer Park Princess series was born. She lives with her husband of more than thirty years and two teenage kids in West Texas.

KJ Waters is the #1 Best Selling author on Amazon with two books in the Stealing Time series with two more the way and a short story called Blow. She is the CEO of Blondie’s Custom Book Covers, and an indie author hosting the popular podcast Blondie and the Brit – Writing, Publishing, and Beyond with International best-selling author Suzanne Kelman. She provides author consulting focusing on author platforms and branding, indie publishing, and book marketing. She has a Master’s in Business Administration and 18 years of experience in marketing.

January 20, 2018 Program

So You Really Want to Write a Spy Novel? Now What?

Program By Taylor Moore

We’re so excited about our January speaker. It’s not every day that we get to pick the brain of an ex-CIA agent! Taylor Moore has the credentials and will share some of what he knows. If he tells us all, he’ll have to kill us. (That’s a joke.)

What are the differences between Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense? Taylor will tell you and explore a little deeper into the spy genre which is his field of expertise. He’ll talk about Tom Clancy and some of the other masters of thrillers. He’ll lay out for members a step by step approach to writing a spy novel. Maybe you’ve always wanted to.

He’ll help you see the world as the CIA sees it, challenge your system of beliefs, challenge the boundaries of morality, and make your bad guys good and your good guys bad. He’ll talk about what’s real and what’s fake from a CIA operative’s perspective.

Taylor will help you develop your heroes, villains, and everything in between. Help craft scenes, give your story a satisfying ending but leave a hook for the next one in the series, and so much more, including where to find resources for crafting this type of novel.

This is only a small portion of what he’ll cover. This program is jam-packed and you’ll learn some of the actual duties of working for a spy agency. As much as Taylor is at liberty to say.

Bring paper and pencil! Part of the program will be interactive!

About Taylor:

He’s a sixth generation Texan and grew up on a farm and ranch in Brazos County. He received a degree in journalism from Texas A&M followed by a master’s in Public Policy at Pepperdine. After traveling extensively in Latin America and completing a graduate level internship at the U.S. Mission to the European Union, he was recruited by the CIA.

Taylor has always had a passion for telling stories as well as a love of history, foreign policy, and international travel. Despite his departure from the intelligence world, he continues to monitor world affairs with great interest. He now lives in the Texas Panhandle with his wife and two children.

November 18, 2017 Program

How do you sell what you’ve written?

Presenter: B. Alan Bourgeois

This is such a common question these days. You pour out your heart, write the best book you can, and put it up online, but what then? How do you get readers to find you amid the mountains of books out there?

B. Alan Bourgeois, our November guest, will shed light on this often murky subject. Alan is the founder and director of Texas Authors, Inc, a non-profit organization that helps Indie authors in countless ways.

You might say, he’s the guru of marketing and promoting yourself. Half of his eye-opening program will be a mini-seminar that will show authors new ways of promoting and helping them stand out above the throng of Indie books that are released each day.

In the second half of his talk, Alan will discuss the various programs and events designed to give authors a boost in marketing. One event not to miss is the yearly Author’s Marketing Conference that focuses on innovative ideas that work. Of note: He’s compiling a database of Texas authors on a site called Texas Authors Institute and he’ll tell you how you can be a part of that. He’ll also tell you about a yearly event called DEAR Texas (Drop Everything and Read.) The proceeds of this sale go to put books into Texas children’s hands.

As an added plus, each year, the Texas Authors, Inc. organization has a short story contest where winners in a multitude of genres are published in a compilation and marketed through Texas Authors, Inc.

Mr. Bourgeois began writing as a child, but as many children of his era were told, “You need to study and get a real job to earn a living.” That statement from a well-meaning mother put a pause on his desire to write.

In 1989, he was asked to write a short story based on an actual event in his life. He did, and it was published as $200 Alan. Seeing his story in print once again inspired him to begin writing. Since then, he has written many articles, short stories, editorials and has 7 books published covering many genres.

He continues to write and assist new authors through Texas Authors, Inc. and his company Bourgeois Media & Consulting (BMC). “There is nothing greater than seeing someone’s dreams become reality,” he says.


This program will be held at Oasis, in the Activities Center behind the main building.
8201 Canyon Drive, Amarillo in the Activity Bldg, in the rear (335 Loop/ Hollywood Road)
Please use the parking lot on the west side of Harrison Street or the parking lot on the east side of Van Buren Street. You may also park along the surrounding streets where parking is permitted. Please do not park in the lots immediately adjacent to and on the west side of the Chase Tower.

August 19, 2017 Workshop

Full-day workshop with Tex Thompson.
Word Alchemy Lab
– Part 1: Covers the science of what makes a good sentence
– Part 2: Explores paragraphs, scenes, chapters, and stories



AUGUST 19, 2017 

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

$48.00 for THPW Members

$58.00 for Non-Members

(includes lunch)



 Also, registered participants get a one-on-one 15-page critique with Tex.

Contact Mike Akins,  for details.

This workshop will be held in the Edward Davis Conference Room in the Chase Tower,

600 S. Tyler, Amarillo, TX


Parking across the street in the lots between Van Buren and Harrison. Please do not park in the lots adjacent to the Chase Tower or East of Tyler.

(c) 2018 Panhandle Professional Writers D/B/A Texas High Plains Writers

Texas High Plains Writers
PO Box 19303
Amarillo, TX 79114

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